Patient Rights
- Full disclosure of the cost of health services and information related to all services provided by Al-Manzil Affan Health Care Center
- Receive impartial care and respect the patient’s personal beliefs and values from all employees without discrimination, and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Department of Humanitarian Affairs.
- Receive comprehensive nursing care aimed at finding appropriate treatment for your illness and / or injuries
- Get urgent care in an emergency
- Obtaining comprehensive information about your plan of care, treatment proposal, any changes in health status and the causes of these changes, alternative treatments, possibilities of treatment success or failure, treatment with potential advantages and disadvantages of your treatment problems and the expected results of ignoring treatment in a simple understandable way
- Have an interpreter (when available) if language represents a barrier to understanding your comprehensive care details
- Give your general written consent for treatment upon admission
- Participate in your care decision making.
- Enjoy privacy while performing all exams, and treating the administration
- Refusing treatment. Thus, the medical doctor must inform you of the consequences of your refusal. Accordingly, a form must be signed with the Special Rapporteur
- Refuse to examine or follow up on your transaction details before anyone is not directly responsible for your care. For people not directly involved in your treatment, you must have your prior permission to attend your case discussion, examination and treatment.
- Protection during treatment constitutes any physical, verbal or psychological abuse
- Obtaining a full explanation of the reasons to be transferred to another care center, and the obligations resulting from it (financial and administrative – if any) and alternatives. Then, the center management will make all the necessary arrangements to obtain the approval of the alternate medical center to receive the indicated patient before starting the transfer process
- Receive – upon your request – a detailed invoice explaining regardless of paying all fees on your own or through other sources
- Complaints and suggestions regarding services can be submitted through the offices, the customer relationship in the middle or to the senior supervisor
- We respect your right to adequate assessment and management of pain through known treatments and to provide you with all necessary information in this regard
- AVANEE is committed to providing terminally ill and dying patients with gracious and compassionate care respecting their unique needs, in accordance with Department of Humanitarian Affairs’s regulations.
Patient Responsibilities
- Respect Affan Home Health Care rules and regulations.
- Show consideration to others and treat employees with respect.
- Provide complete and accurate information on current and past complaints of illness, previous hospitalizations, treatments, and any known drug allergies.
- Follow the instructions of your physician.
- Responsibility for refusing or not following the treatment plan, after being informed of the consequences.
- Ensure financial obligations due to Afan Healthcare are fulfilled promptly.
- Al Manzil Affan Healthcare is not responsible for the consequences resulting from non-compliance with the above-mentioned instructions.