COVID-19 PCR Test at your location(Hotel / Office / Home) by DHA LICENSED PROFESSIONAL

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Result in 8 to 12hrs
COVID-19 PCR – Individual
Licensed by DHA & test performed by DHA licensed professional. Results delivered within 8-12hrs. QR coded result is accepted for international & domestic travel.
AED 119 per person
COVID-19 PCR – Group of 3 or more people
Licensed by DHA & test performed by DHA licensed professional Results will be available within 8-12hrs. QR coded result is accepted for international & domestic travel.
AED 99 per person AED 119
Express Service – Result in 4 hrs
COVID-19 PCR – Individual
Test performed by DHA licensed professional Results will be available in 4 hrs from the time of sample collection. QR coded result is accepted for international & domestic travel.
*For booking, please call our Executive: +971 56 257 0050
Frequently Asked Questions
01. What is the RT-PCR Test and what is it used for?
Also known as an Antigen test, it detects the presence of viral RNA. It aims to answer: do I have the virus now? This requires taking a swab from the throat and nose and then analysing the specimen in the lab using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
The test is taken to:
⦁ Diagnose infection
⦁ Test following infection to see if the virus has been cleared
⦁ Screen asymptomatic individuals to detect if they carry virus and are potentially infectious
Antigen tests are a crucial part of mitigating transmission and will be key to reduce spread and improve confidence amongst people
These tests are currently widely used for travel where the airline or destination country requires a negative result and certificate within specified time period. Organisations are also using these tests to screen employees so they can safely return to their place of work.
02. How long does it take to get my results?
Results are generally available within 12 hours to 12-24hours. Express service with results in 4 hours from the time of swab collection also is available.
We are not liable for any associated costs should your results be delayed by lab due to unavoidable reasons like & not limited to test re-runs or inconclusive results
03. What Laboratory do you use?
We have a number of partner laboratories we work with. We only use laboratories with the highest accreditation standards.
The testing method for 2019-nCoV Coronavirus Covid-19 is a molecular assay based on the detection of the nucleic material (RNA) within the virus. Whereas other testing methods are based on the detection of antibodies which are only produced as a response to the infection, detection of viral RNA allows for the identification of an infection at a much earlier stage after an initial exposure
04. What about test accuracy & How will i receive the PCR result?
The test has a minimum Sensitivity of 98% and a Specificity of 100%.
Result will delivered confidentially through Email and SMS.
05. Important notice and disclaimer
Before taking the test, it is important to understand the following:
1. Do not use any nasal medication or mouthwash for at least 24 hours prior to testing. This can spoil the sample.
2. Laboratory capacity, test re-runs or inconclusive results can cause delays. If an inconclusive result is returned, a brand-new collection is required.
3. You should be aware of the above and make an informed decision to proceed, particularly if you have time constraints for international travel.